The President of the Unione dei contadini ticinesi (union of Ticino farmers), Robert Aerni, will be present at the with cow, bag and baggage. (Photo: zVg)
Robert Aerni: As only about 1% of people work in the primary sector, agriculture is less important in the Ticino than the rest of the country (where the average is 3.3 %). 97 % of visitors to the « Fiera di San Provino » don’t come from the farming world, so this festival offers us a unique opportunity to raise their awareness of agriculture and love of the land, and to bring them closer to the farmer who cultivates it. Naturally we’d be happy if this effort bore fruit and had an impact on future consumption and voting habits.
Robert Aerni: There aren’t many owners of suckler cows in the Ticino. But as agricultural land on the plains is increasingly rare, keeping suckler cows is a very good alternative for Ticino farmers, especially in the valleys. However one must be careful in the choice of breed. It should be suited to the geographical location and the agricultural policy, which focuses increasingly on extensive and ecological agriculture. In fact, our breed is not ideal.
Robert Aerni: We have kept mother cows for about 40 years; so we were pioneers. We come from the Bernese Jura originally and that’s probably why we chose Charolais. We liked these white cows from France. But the political context and market needs have changed considerably. You have to factor this in today if you want to convert to keeping suckler cows.
Robert Aerni: Of course! As a member of the organising committee, I will naturally help with the assembling and dismantling process, and I will be available for anything that needs doing. What’s more we’re going to show one of own cows with her calf. I also hope to find time to enjoy the festivities with my children.
In Gordola, Robert Aerni, - together with his wife Simona, his brother David and two employees - manages a farm with 150 ha of utilised agricultural land. On 65 ha they grow maize, corn, soya and grass. Some 55 ha are permanent meadows and pastures, and 30 ha are set aside for ecological compensation. They own a herd of 220 Charolais cattle (including 100 suckler cows). The farm has met organic farming requirements since 2017.
In the media, Robert Aerni is known not only as President of the Unione dei contadini ticinesi but also in connection with the occasional floods in the Magadino plain, which turn the farm into an island. For the curious, here are a few photos dating from November 2014.